@article{XiaoShu2016, author = {Xiao, Shu and Wu, Zhong-Zhen and Cui, Sui-Han and Liu, Liang-Liang and Zheng, Bo-Cong and Lin, Hai and Ricky K Y Fu and Tian, Xiu-Bo and Pan, Feng and Paul K Chu}, title = {Cylindric high power impulse magnetron sputtering source and its discharge characteristics}, publisher = {Acta Physica Sinica}, year = {2016}, journal = {Acta Physica Sinica}, volume = {65}, number = {18}, eid = {185202}, numpages = {}, pages = {185202}, keywords = {
high power impulse magnetron sputtering|cylindric sputtering source|simulation|discharge characteristics
}, url = {http://wulixb.iphy.ac.cn/EN/abstract/article_68487.shtml}, doi = {10.7498/aps.65.185202} }